Schedule for Cycle Beginning 10/03/2018
Sign Up for Cycle Beginning 10/03/2018
East Parcels
Schedule last updated: October 18, 2018
Start Date
Start Time
End Time
Yorkshire Dr (South) - 35th to 37th
==> Zanjero - Start Pump Ensure all Valves on 39th Ave are Open Southbound
Wed, 10/03
7:00 AM
Yorkshire Dr (South) - 37th to 39th
Union Hills Dr (North) - 39th to 41st
Morrow Dr (South) - 39th to 41st
Morrow Dr (North) - 39th to 41st
==> RATLIFF, DONALD J - Open Valve #2 W/B Close Valve #2 S/B
Wed, 10/03
7:00 AM
Wescott Dr (South) - 39th to 41st
==> GREENBERG, IDAN C - StartAction Open Valve #3 W/B Close Valve #3 S/B
Wed, 10/03
7:00 AM
Wescott Dr (North) - 41st to 43rd
==> ROGERS, JEANNIE - Open Valve #4 W/B Close Valve #4 S/B
Wed, 10/03
7:00 AM
Wescott Dr (North) - 41st to 43rd
Topeka Dr (South) - 39th to 41st
==> STROESSENREUTHER, LLOYD LEE & NINA J - Open Valve #5 W/B Close Valve #5 S/B
Wed, 10/03
7:00 AM
Topeka Dr (South) - 41st to 43rd
Topeka Dr (North) - 39th to 41st
==> GAY, RONNIE LEE & KIM M - Open Valve #6 W/B Close Valve #6 S/B
Wed, 10/03
7:00 AM
Topeka Dr (North) - 41st to 43rd
Yorkshire Dr (South) - 39th to 41st
==> NORDEOFF, BRYON W & ELIZABETH - Open valve 7 W/B Close Valve 7 S/B
Wed, 10/03
7:00 AM
Yorkshire Dr (South) - 41st to 43rd
Union Hills Dr (North) - 35th to 37th
==> Zanjero - Start Pump and Switch to East Side
Wed, 10/03
7:00 AM
Union Hills Dr (Union Hills Dr) - 37th to 39th
Morrow Dr (South) - 35th to 37th
==> MARTEL, REUBEN - StartAction Open Tin #9 W/B Close Tin #9 S/B(Code 2052)
Wed, 10/03
7:00 AM
Morrow Dr (South) - 37th to 39th
Morrow Dr (North) - 35th to 36th
==> Zanjero - StartAction Close Valve #11 South and Open #11 West
Wed, 10/03
7:00 AM
==> Zanjero - StartAction Open Tin #12 SB
Wed, 10/03
7:00 AM
==> Zanjero - StartAction Open Tin 12 WB, Close Tin 12 SB
Wed, 10/03
7:00 AM
==> Zanjero - Close Valve #13 South and Open #13 West
Wed, 10/03
7:00 AM
==> Zanjero - Close Valve #14 South and Open #14 West
Wed, 10/03
7:00 AM
==> Zanjero - Close Valve #15 South and Open #15 West
Wed, 10/03
7:00 AM
==> Zanjero - Shut off pump